AutoTrac RowSense
- Combines the advantages of AutoTrac and mechanical row feelers
- Improves yield quality
- Reduces operator fatigue
Customer Benefits
- Down Corn
When operating in AutoTrac RowSense mode, both systems – row feeler and AutoTrac – are active. As soon as the feelers are unable to deliver a reliable signal, AutoTrac System takes over control of the steering. The system switches immediately back to fused mode when a row signal is available.Curves
When selecting “A-B curves” or “Adaptive curves” in the guidance settings, AutoTrac RowSense System reacts proactively when approaching curves in the field. The combine steers smoothly into the curve as the location and radius is already available from the last path.Field not planted using AutoTrac System
Until now it was not possible to utilize AutoTrac System in fields planted without the use of guidance assistance, because of the differing track spacings caused by manual steering. AutoTrac RowSense System is able to self-centershift using information from the mechanical row feeler. With this functionality the combine will still follow the rows accurately, even if the tracks in the field are not parallel.Headland Turns
During headland turns, AutoTrac RowSense System provides the same functionality as AutoTrac.
Activating the system on the headland will guide the combine accurately into the rows, utilizing the full working width. This is of particular importance while operating a row dependent cornhead.
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